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Project Black advocates for self defense within our communities. We strongly believe that all members should practice their right to bear arms as well as learn self defense and their human rights so they can protect themselves legally and lawfully. Our Mission is to empower the people, young an old in educating on how to defend themselves from any matter of danger. Whether it be DV, human trafficking or police brutality we feel the proper education of self defense and political education can help save lives and empower the people.


We want an immediate end to police brutality. Part of our solution to end police brutality as well as other violence in our community is community engagement. Our self defense team is a team of dedicated men and women who have vowed to protect the safety of the people. Who make an oath to never abuse their powers and do harm to the innocent. To use discipline and integrity when on and off duty.  The Project Black Movement strives for Maat in all its aspects and expects each member of our self defense team to do the same. It is a requirement to make sure decisions that are made when protecting our community are done for a just cause.  Our Self Defense team stands strong with peaceful protesters and advocates who fight for liberation as well as works to patrol the community and make sure all people are safe. We are not law enforcement. We do not call on law enforcement. To enforce Maat is to enforce the laws of the land in which police we not needed and the people governed themselves. If the police will not protect the people. The people will stand together and protect themselves. As it is the right of the people's 2nd Amendment to bear arms, form militias and protect themselves. As Huey P. Newton once said "Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment." We are not here to be slaves or convince others to be slaves. We are here to fight for liberation and empower the people.

All power to the people
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